November 2014
Petr Borkovec (April 17, 1970, Louňovice pod Blaníkem) is a Czech poet, translator and journalist.
He studied Czech language and literature at the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University but did not finish his studies.
His poems have been translated into almost all European languages. His books have been published in Austria and in Italy. Borkovec translates mostly 20th-century Russian poetry.
- 1995 – Cena Jiřího Ortena (Jiří Orten Award) in 1994 for his book Ochoz[4]
- 2001 – Hubert-Burda-Preis and Norbert-C.-Kaser-Preis for the German translation of his book Polní práce
- 2002 – Prémie Tomáše Hrácha for his translation of Oresteia (with Matyáš Havrda)
- 2004 – Cena Josefa Jungmanna (main creative award) for his translation of a part of Heavy Lyre by Vladislav Khodasevich