human rights activist, public figure
He was born in Tashkent, in 1946, graduated from Cernivtsi National University.
In the early 70s he cooperated with Jewish and general democratic secret movement in the USSR. In spring 1972 he was turned out from the komsomol, because of his support of the right to reparation.
In 1978 he entered Ukrainian Helsinki Group. The same year he was arrested and they announced him a sentence – three years of imprisonment in the colony with a strict regime.
In 1984 he was arrested again for three years in the colony with a strict regime.
In 1987 he refused the amnesty because he didn’t want to sign the obligation about the refusal of the political work.
In 1988 he established the first Jewish organization in Chernivtsy. In 1989 he participated in the creating of Vaad ( The Confederation of Jewish organizations and Communities) in the USSR and he became the adviser.
He is a member of the European Council of the Jewish Communities, of the European and Universal Jewish congresses, of the Universal Zionist’s organization.
Since 1991 – the head of the Association of the Jewish organizations and communities in Ukraine (Vaad Ukraine), exutive Vice- President of Congress of the National Communities in Ukraine and Jewish Confederation in Ukraine.
In 2002 he was elected as the Head of the General Council in the constituent meetings of Euro-Asian Jewish congress in Moscow (Russia).